Monday, May 2, 2011


I have been meaning to write about this for a while and finally am able to!

Transitioning from life as a family of three to a family of four has been quite the journey so far. The first four weeks were the most difficult and things seem to be getting better each day. Now it wasn't difficult because Dillan is a fussy baby, but difficult based on where attention was being given. The only difficult thing about Dillan was that when he was sleeping he wanted to be held. Not really a problem until your two and a half year old wants some attention or until you want to flip the laundry or load the dishwasher. The biggest challenge for me was (and still is) getting and keeping things around my house clean!

Christmas certainly through a wrench in our day to day life too. Just as I had been getting used to having the two of them on my own Matt was now at home for more than 10 days. Not that I didn't love having him at home though :) The last few weeks have been going a lot smoother though with things back into some form of a routine. Mondays Ella has dance in the afternoon, Tuesdays usually leave us with a play date at someone's house, Wednesdays and Thursdays we go to play group. Every day other than Friday seems to have some kind of schedule to it and I have to say I just love that! I find the less time I have to clean things up, the more effort I put into getting it done. I also really like to get out of the house and talk to other adults and to see Ella playing with other kids. She really needs something to do to burn off energy! I'm very thankful for our routine and that I have some pretty easy going kids, the two go hand in hand for making this life transition that much easier!

Post written January 25 2011 moved from previous blog

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